6 reasons to do Au pair in Beijing

1. It is the best place to learn mandarin Being one of the largest populated places on earth, there are so many languages spoken in China, Mandarin being the most spoken language. This tends to attract au pair’s who choose […]

10 rules that helped me survive in China

1) Don't get scared Before you come to China, lot's if people are going to tell you a lot of stories and give you a lot of well meant tipps. Some of them(Chinese people love to eat dog, for example) […]

They are Au Pairs in China

Alisa aupaired to China for 3 months from March to June. When she was in China she travelled with the family to 3 different cities: Shanghai, Sanya, and Guilin. All these cities are hot tourists spots in China, so she […]

Scams endemic to Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing, for Au Pairs in China

This article is originally from The American Citizen Services (ACS) unit’s website, we found it is quite useful for some expats who visit china in the first time. So we put here: The American Citizen Services (ACS) unit is regularly […]

Au Pairs of this October, Jac, Selene, Ramona

British Au Pair Jac now lives in a Shanghai family, enjoys her Chinese life now. Normaly daily life for her, in the morning she studies Chinese in a local university near by, in the afternoon she tutuors the children English […]

Au Pairs of August 2016, Ana, Victoria and Furio

     Colombian Au Pair Ana now is living with a Shenzhen family. She finished her first term study in the Shenzhen Polytechnic. Now she is enjoying the summer holiday with the family. Even she studied mandarin for a few months […]

Tofriend Au Pair’s insurance in China

As an Au Pair you travel to a different country and stay in a host family, insurance should be the must you consider of. Thru out all introduction of au pair program from different au pair agencies in China we […]

Au Pair’s Orientation Guide in China

As an Au Pair who just arrived the Host family, how you can feel yourself being oriented quickly to your life in China? Here we have the steps and suggestions:   Get registered in your family’s address. According to Chinese […]

Au Pair to China, Cities Reviews: Beijing

Many of au pairs who wish to come to China actually aren’t familiar with Chinese geography. China is a big country composing of hundreds of cities. In this sector we will introduce you several popular cities for au pairs to […]

Au Pair’s documents for China

Here we list some documents for your au pairing to China. For the Au Pair's on Application (Click to view): Au Pair Program Application Form Au Pair Program Online Application Au Pair Guide Book of China Au Pair's Physical Examination […]

Au Pair’s Chinese language (Mandarin) study

Tofriend Au Pair provide Au Pairs study in the follow universities as you can choose (based on the distance from your Host Family), Click to view the university’s webpage to get more info about your future study. Normally the Au […]

Au Pair to China, cities review: Shenzhen

Many of au pairs who are wishing to go to China actually have no Chinese geographic sense. China is a big country, composes of hundreds of cities. In this series we will introduce you several popular cities for au pairs. […]