How is the Coronavirus affecting the Au Pair program in China?

Given the worldwide concerns about the COVID-19 outbreak wordwide, we decided to deal with the topic from the Au Pairs’ and the Host Families’ perspective. Being the Au Pair program an international project which involves people from all over the world, our priority […]

AuPairinChina’s love continues

Kiwi girl Nancy’s china trip during the Covid-19 The year of 2020 will definitely be remembered in the next few decades because of the Covid-19. Until 5th Nov 2020, the confirmed cases had been reached 48 million worldwide and in […]

Love Stays Oceans Apart, Oceans an Easy Reach–Aupairs with Their Chinese Host Families during Covid19 Days

“We are weavs of the same sea, Leaves of the same tree, Flowers of the same garden.” e outbreak of pneumonia called covid-19 in Wuhan on January 2020, the Chinese government have acted swiftly and decisively shut down Wuhan city […]

Be sure to practice it yourself!- Au pair story of an American boy Dk

The bible · Old Testament · genesis chapter 11 records that at that time, the human beings united to build the tower that hoped to lead to heaven. In order to stop the human plan, god made the human beings […]

Au Pairs’ Chinese New Year of Pig

As one of the most important traditional festivals of the Chinese people, the Spring Festival has been popular since ancient times. Many people regard the Spring Festival as the most important festival and the best wishes for the New Year.  […]

A Serbian Au Pair in China 😆

She is a Serbian girl who came to China for the first time. She has traveled to some European countries before. This time, she hopes to experience a completely different eastern culture. Q1: How's your au pair life in Beijing? Daily […]

A Wedding Invitation from Slovakia

"I am getting married, I invite you to attend my wedding.", Tofriend Aupair in Shanghai received an wedding invitation from Slovakia, which turned out to be an Au Pair to get married. Victoria is the happy bride. Victoria, a lovely […]

December Culture Activity: Making Dumplings

Cultural Adjustment to China

Culture shock is a normal response among cultural exchange participants. It is the emotional and behavioral reaction to living and working in another culture. The culture shock can feel like a roller coaster ride as the physical, emotional and mental […]

Follow your dreams!

Milena Miletic found that there were some similarities in good personality quality between Chinese people and locals in her homeland. They both are hospitable. Besides, Chinese also are kind to foreigners particularly. Milena got special care form others, whenever she was in […]

Life in one of the world’s metropolitan cities can be extraordinary and full of amazing moments

  After arriving in Shanghai, Igor Jovanovic was surprised at Chinese culture and the beautiful cityscape. He has to say that China is a very interesting, unusual, beautiful and inspiring country. He could not believe that he had lived in China […]

Four common statements you wont hear from your host family

“Thank you” When you help a stranger or someone outside your Chinese home, they would always say “thank you” to you. “Thank you for opening a door for me” or ”thank you for helping me with this”. However, at home, […]