Au Pair’s Nightmare: Horrible Host Families – How to avoid problematic host families?

(-updated on October 10, 2023) We are now updating several posts on social media to let the Au Pairs talk more about their experience with the "problematic host families" they had dealt with. so far, we have collected the following […]

Cultural adjustment of Au Pairs in China | Au Pair Psychology

This is a letter we used to send Au Pairs who are preparing for their coming Au Pair trip to China, we now make it public, we believe many of you may wonder how a cultural shock can be solved […]

Four common statements you wont hear from your host family

“Thank you” When you help a stranger or someone outside your Chinese home, they would always say “thank you” to you. “Thank you for opening a door for me” or ”thank you for helping me with this”. However, at home, […]

Au Pair’s Orientation Guide in China

As an Au Pair who just arrived the Host family, how you can feel yourself being oriented quickly to your life in China? Here we have the steps and suggestions:   Get registered in your family’s address. According to Chinese […]

Au Pair to China, Cities Reviews: Beijing

Many of au pairs who wish to come to China actually aren’t familiar with Chinese geography. China is a big country composing of hundreds of cities. In this sector we will introduce you several popular cities for au pairs to […]

Au Pair’s documents for China

Here we list some documents for your au pairing to China. For the Au Pair's on Application (Click to view): Au Pair Program Application Form Au Pair Program Online Application Au Pair Guide Book of China Au Pair's Physical Examination […]

Au Pair’s Chinese language (Mandarin) study

Tofriend Au Pair provide Au Pairs study in the follow universities as you can choose (based on the distance from your Host Family), Click to view the university’s webpage to get more info about your future study. Normally the Au […]

What visa should Au Pairs get when they au pair to China?

Since many Au Pairs are seeking opportunities in China, and they are always confused of visa policies in China. Here we tell you more details about which visa is suitable for you to Au Pair to China. As we all know […]

How to choose an agency to au pair to China?

When you search "Au Pair China" or "Au Pair **(Chinese city)", you could find out tons of agencies/websites which are all saying we are the "leading", "best", and "most valued". But do you believe some of top reviews are paid […]

Interview with a British Au Pair, how his felling of Shanghai

Even since we have matched so many Au Pairs worldwide in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other main cities, we had an interview with an English Au Pair. From his viewings we hope it can inform some idea to the youth who […]

What Au Pair do in Chinese family? Regulations regarding Au Pair Duties by China Au Pair Association (CAPA)

As China is becoming a hot Au Pair's choice, some may wonder what I should do in the Chinese families as an Au Pair? What the family expect from me? The answer could always be very general as: do like […]

Au Pair contract in China

Yes, every Au Pair should obtain a contract before his/her coming to the host family. Since Au Pair in China program is not as popular as in Europe, either as mature as in Europe. So many Au Pair want to […]