Au Pair BLOG

How to choose an agency to au pair to China?

When you search “Au Pair China” or “Au Pair **(Chinese city)”, you could find out tons of agencies/websites which are all saying we are the “leading”, “best”, and “most valued”. But do you believe some of top reviews are paid to pu online? In this article we will tell you

swedisha au pair in china interview

Interview with Hallen, a Swedish au pair in China

Location: 515 Yishan Rd, Shanghai. Tofriend AU Pair Shanghai coordinator office. Interview them: au pair life in China Interview participant: Hallen, Zhao (tofriend stuff)   Z: Hello Hallen. How are you doing now in Shanghai? H: I’m great, how are you doing? Z: We are doing good, since there have

au pair shanghai

Interview with a British Au Pair, how his felling of Shanghai

Even since we have matched so many Au Pairs worldwide in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and other main cities, we had an interview with an English Au Pair. From his viewings we hope it can inform some idea to the youth who have interest of Au Pairing to China. At first we

Why I love being an AU Pair in Shanghai

Well, it had been 2 months since I hit the land of China. I am living in Shanghai with a wonderful family of 4, 2 kids of course, Emma and Victor. I am not good at writing long in English but since the tofriend agency did me a great favor

au pair in china contract. au pair contract in china

Au Pair contract in China

Yes, every Au Pair should obtain a contract before his/her coming to the host family. Since Au Pair in China program is not as popular as in Europe, either as mature as in Europe. So many Au Pair want to know how exactly the contract works.   Hence, Au Pairs

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