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How is the Coronavirus affecting the Au Pair program in China?

Given the worldwide concerns about the COVID-19 outbreak wordwide, we decided to deal with the topic from the Au Pairs’ and the Host Families’ perspective. Being the Au Pair program an international project which involves people from all over the world, our priority is to inform our participants and website browsers about how this virus is going to affect the Au Pair program. We know that you have many questions and we will do our best to clear the possible case scenarios when it comes to au pairing. We will provide you with technical information about the virus and will give you an overview of the measurements taken by most countries. We are going to update our information in order to keep you informed about the situation, especially the information of Chinese foreign policy updates. In any case, there is no need to panic

Case scenarios for Au Pairs and Host Families

How is the virus going to affect the program?

The worldwide economy is already facing the huge effects of the pandemic and there will be direct - temporary - consequences for the Au Pair program as well, whatever in China or worldwide. 

starting from Feb 2021, the Chinese goverment started some new rules for assissting candidates who had vaccinated by China made COVID-19 vaccines. If you are interested of visiting China, you may consulte the Chinese consulate in your local country.