Au Pair BLOG

Salary, Education, Overtime: The Life of China’s Workers Today

Editor’s Note: It’s the most scrutinizing time of the year! The time of the year when we quantify twelve months into data points, lists, percentages, graphs, and report cards. The year in review. Bah humbug. 2014 was pretty merry for the average working Zhou in China. According to survey results,

A taste of Cantonese culture in 48 hours

The southern Chinese city of Guangzhou offers all the hustle, bustle, culture and commerce of other major Asian metropolises minus the massive tourist crowds. But that could change as more travelers are lured to the modern port city by affordable flights and a 72-hour visa-free transit policy. Just a two-hour

The 10 China Travel Survival Tips

China is a strange land for many people and every traveler should do some homework before visiting the country. Here we summarize some tips when traveling in China. However, if you look at the cultural gap from a different view, you may find a whole new world in front of you. 1.

au pair chinese study lesson

Au Pair’s Chinese language (Mandarin) study

Tofriend Au Pair provide Au Pairs study in the follow universities as you can choose (based on the distance from your Host Family), Click to view the university’s webpage to get more info about your future study. Normally the Au Pair to start to study in the University after his/her

Au Pair’s Chinese language (Mandarin) study: HSK Chinese level exam

一、汉语水平考试(HSK)和汉语水平口语考试(HSKK) Chinese Proficiency Test(HSK) and HSK Speaking Test(HSKK) 汉语水平考试 Chinese Proficiency Test(HSK) HSK是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,重点考查汉语非第一语言的考生在生活、学习和工作 中运用汉语进行交际的能力。 HSK包括HSK (—级)、HSK (二级)、HSK (三级)、HSK (四级)、HSK (五级)、 HSK (六级)。 HSK is an international standardized Chinese language test to measure the ability of non­native Chinese speakers to communicate in Chinese in daily lives, academic and working settings. HSK

Au Pair’s life in China: How to choose your mobile data plan

The People’s Republic of China is a very special country to buy a local SIM card. Although almost every mobile device is produced here in these days, buying a SIM card can be quite complicated, especially as very few people understand or speak English. This article applies only to mainland

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