“We are weavs of the same sea,
Leaves of the same tree,
Flowers of the same garden.”
e outbreak of pneumonia called covid-19 in Wuhan on January 2020, the Chinese government have acted swiftly and decisively shut down Wuhan city to prevent the spread of the virus. With new cases have been swept across the whole country, the tougher measures had been taken to fight this pandemic. For a while, all of us Chinese people felt insecure. The happy Spring Festival had been under the shadows of virus. However, the heart of AiC staff are intimately linked with our au pairs scattered all over China. We admired the courage they impressed us meanwhile are touched by the sweet family stories that they shared with us. Let’s appreciate some great adventure and sincere friendship (family love) shining during the tough times!
Gelian, she is an experienced au pair and a outgoing girl living in Beijing now.
She said that “Is kind of situation when people start to say to you ‘what happens if you cannot get out of China, what happens if you get the virus and send you alone in hospital, you should buy a ticket and get out the country now that you can…’and things like that, and what makes you really nervous and scare because that could be true. I make my own research, I talk with the host family and they always explain me the news in China while I read the international news too, so I calm down.”
She told us that she thinks the support and caring she received from family gives her brave and courage to face this difficult situation rationally and makes her stronger! Her host family also bought some protecting equipment for her, like Face Masks and Goggles. And teach her how to wear mask and goggles properly and wearing these can protect her from virus effectively at outdoors. They family show her their deeply care and love. Months later, we are happy to hear from Gelian that Beijing lift ‘shut down’ and now they can go outside, play in the nearby park and so on. Wonderful memories are created by the Beijing host family!
Aylin, who come from Mexico, also shared her stories with us. About the affection she has for the lovely host family in Chengdu. “It has been so wonderful!!! At the beginning of my stay, the kids were distant and a little bit shy. But our relationship got much better day by day. Now they even knock my door and invite me to go out and play with them. We have English class for one and a half hour every day, the rest of day we usually do some interesting things, like play badminton, watch movies or drawing. We are always making jokes and faces with each other. The host mom is so sweet and nice, she let me feel I’m a real family member to them, and the dad is humorous and talkative. They also have a sister, she is 26 years older and can speak English well, so I love to spend my free time with her on weekends! The parents told me they are so happy with my English classes for kids and that they see their kids make progress in English. We also like cooking together’’, Even in the tense situation, Aylin was taking it easy with host family’s accompany. “Yes, we all stay at home. We’ve been here for a month and a half. They gave me masks and Chinese medicine to preventing the virus. On weekend we go to 7-Eleven to buy ice cream.”
Here are the beautiful and cute pics she shared with us!

Their stories with host faimilies are continuing! As we can see, love between people can’t be blocked but virus. Only in tough times, love is more precious; China will always open her arms to welcome you, the open-minded you!