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Au Pairs of this October, Jac, Selene, Ramona

English au pair in china English au pair in china English au pair in chinaBritish Au Pair Jac now lives in a Shanghai family, enjoys her Chinese life now. Normaly daily life for her, in the morning she studies Chinese in a local university near by, in the afternoon she tutuors the children English and play with them in English. Hence the family have 3 boys but she only need to care/tutor 2 of them. The eldest one is speaking quite good English now since Jac is the forth au pair the family pair to china au pair to chinaItalian Au Pair Selene now lives also in a Shanghai family. Selene speaks Chinese because she was a exchange student for a year when she was in high school. Before her university started she prefers to go to China again to improve her Chinese, this time as an au pair not only a student.German Au Pair Ramona just arrives on early October after her trip from Manila. Ramona is quite interested of Chinese culture and self learned some Chinese when she was part time workedd in a Chinese restaround in Koln. She just graduated from high school and wish can stay a year in China to learn the language.