Liu Family from Beijing

liu beijing family

Family location Beijing
Address Beijing Chaoyang District Shuangqiao Dong Road
Family members Mother Liu Lf 37 y.o. , Dad Zhao Y 39 y.o.,Daughter Zhao Cr 1 y.o.
Main contact Mother: Liu Lf
Father, Daughter

Dear Au pair:

Hello. I am Liu, every people call me M Liu.

We are a happy Chinese family. At the moment, we have a cute baby girl who is 1 year old. She is learning to speak Chinese now. I love cooking Chinese food, love cinema, music and communicate in simple English. I and my husband are both university graduates. We have good cultural quality. We welcome aupair to become one of our family members who will mainly talk with our child via English. We hope aupair will create a natural environment of English for our child. At the same time, my family speak standard mandarin. We can learn from au pair to speak oral English. So we can talk with our child in fluent English.

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