墨西哥互惠生:我是1/8个中国人~Mexican Au Pair: I am 1/8 Chinese








– 看来中国人过年吃饺子的习俗到哪儿都不会磨灭啊。 –


– 莫非每个移民出去的都要想着“衣锦才能还乡”? 我想到我小的时候有一次过年去小叔家,他跟我爸说七妹从意大利来探亲,来他家带了块巧克力。 “我从小抱她抱到大,就图她一块巧克力?我给了她小孩一百块!”

“行了,你抱到大是你该的,来看你就还是亲戚,她在意大利不也是生活?!”我爸跟家长似的训斥! 我想,下次有机会路过意大利我一定要拜访下这个表姑和我的表外甥们! “其实我还是想去我太爷家乡看看,我已经在为这趟旅程攒钱了。”P眨眨眼。“说不定遇到一堆Fong。” “当然,你要告诉他们你的太爷爷多么优秀,你也是Fong家最棒的儿女之一!”我说。


P is from Mexico and has been an au pair twice.
The first time, after staying for half a year and going back, P felt that it wasn’t enough and applied to come to China again.
“I kept dreaming about China after I went back. I guess if I come for another half a year, it will be fine. It’s the dream that brings me to China.” P is very humorous. “Or rather, this is my Chinese dream.”
Although P has this Spanish name, her surname is Fong. P’s great-grandfather was Chinese. Back then, he went to America to do hard labor and finally stayed in Mexico. Just like countless ancestors of the first-generation immigrants, he lived a hard life and multiplied. There is almost no trace of Chinese on P’s face, only an oriental surname.
“My great-grandfather fled from the United States to Mexico at that time. It is said that life here in Mexico is good.” P said jokingly. “Life is so interesting. I have searched that people with the surname Fong in the United States and Mexico should all be our relatives back then.”
“Of course, if you had gone to the United States, maybe there would be no you!” I echoed. Yes, a person’s choice can affect three generations!
P told me that almost nothing traditional Chinese has been retained in her family. Only her father learned to make dumplings from her grandfather. “My dad can make dumplings, but he does it very rarely. Generally, once a year. He looks at the calendar to see which day is Chinese New Year, and then my dad makes dumplings.”

It seems that the custom of eating dumplings during Chinese New Year will never be erased no matter where you are.

I asked P if she knew where in China her great-grandfather had left from. She said she didn’t know. When she was young, she asked her grandfather when they would go back to China to visit relatives. Her grandfather said that we were poor and didn’t have the right to go back! You can go back when you make money in the future.

Does every immigrant have to think that they can only return home in fine clothes?
I remembered that once during Chinese New Year when I went to my younger uncle’s house. He told my dad that Seventh Sister came to visit relatives from Italy and brought a piece of chocolate to his house.
“I held her in my arms since she was little until she grew up. Just for a piece of chocolate? I gave her child a hundred yuan!”
“All right, it’s your duty to hold her since she was little. If she comes to see you, she is still a relative. Isn’t she also living in Italy?!” My dad reprimanded like a parent.
I thought that next time I have the chance to pass by Italy, I must definitely visit this cousin and my cousin’s children!
“Actually, I still want to go and see the hometown of my great-grandfather. I am already saving money for this trip.” P blinked. “Maybe I will meet a bunch of Fongs.”
“Of course. You have to tell them how excellent your great-grandfather is and that you are also one of the best children of the Fong family!” I said.


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