一个互惠生与中国家庭的失败案例 A Failed Case of an Au Pair and a Chinese Family

今天我想给你讲一个意大利互惠生的故事。 Beatrice是一个你单看她的个人简历和视频自我介绍会觉得很完美的互惠生人选,金发碧眼加上南意大利外向爱笑性格,巴黎大学在读,意法英三国语言流利都到了C2水平,从小照顾家里两个弟弟,面试的时候也是落落大方,同事夸张地说,看到了莫妮卡贝鲁奇的影子~ B被我们匹配到了深圳的一个家庭,家爸家妈也都有过海归创业小有成就,女儿5岁琴棋书画,似乎一切看上去都是完美的!就像你能看到的互惠生-家庭宣传画一样~每个人拎出来都能做模特的那种。 但是互惠生落地几天家庭就坐不住了,小朋友排斥B,见到B就大喊大叫,拒绝与B沟通,B在餐桌上,小朋友就拒绝上桌子。家庭也很奔溃,我们使出浑身解数调解,B也是一脸委屈,想尽办法讨好小朋友,哭着问我们怎么办。 家庭也说奇怪,明明全家和B面试的时候小朋友说超喜欢这个姐姐,专门画了一本图册盼着姐姐来。怎么是这样。 两周的调解没有任何进展,听家妈的描述,感觉她也撑不住了,当机立断,确认互惠生没问题后,给家庭按照合同办理了退费,给互惠生重新匹配了个广州家庭。
B后来在广州度过了愉快的五个月。 为了这个事情,我专门请了我一个心理学的同学,帮我们分析,和家庭一起,主要是希望理清这个事情对小朋友造成的影响,会不会给她带来心理阴影,期间我们和这个深圳家庭一直有联系,还因为这个事情成了好朋友。这个事情也让我们认识的心理学的强大,很多同事从那以后都啃起了心理学的书。 其实,小朋友有时候比我们成人还要敏锐,有时候成人认为的一个玩笑,但可能给孩子带来伤害、甚至是灾难,产生恐惧感和不安全感。在面试互惠生的时候,小朋友意识到自己会有一个“姐姐”或“哥哥”,很开心,但实际上她们并没有这种生活经历。我们中国人传统的好客,特别是互惠生刚到家庭会特别照顾到这个“外人”,在小朋友看来可能会觉得把之前百分百放在自己身上的爱“瓜分”走了,他们就会有自己的想法和意识。接下来就会有自己的处理方式。比如现在会看到有的小朋友跟爸妈说,不要弟弟、妹妹。 当然,这是非常正常的!站在未成年人的立场上,这没有对错。
或许还是我们当时处理经验不足,也没能很好地帮到我的这个家庭客户,以后我们就会建议家庭多和小朋友交流。让小朋友知道这个外国哥哥姐姐来家庭,不是分走你的爱,而是带来更多的爱~ 如果沟通成为障碍,那么爱也会变得盲目。这也是互惠生这个项目发展的初始目的哦~愿国与国之间更多理解,人与人之间没有隔阂
Is it a very failed case if a family invites an au pair but not only fails to help the child but instead makes the child become more impatient?
Today I want to tell you a story about an Italian au pair.
Beatrice is an au pair candidate who seems perfect when you only look at her resume and video self-introduction. Blonde hair and blue eyes, combined with the outgoing and smiley personality of southern Italy. She is currently studying at the University of Paris and is fluent in Italian, French, and English at the C2 level. She has taken care of her two younger brothers since childhood. During the interview, she was also generous and poised. A colleague exaggeratedly said that she saw the shadow of Monica Bellucci.
B was matched to a family in Shenzhen. The father and mother of the family are both returnees who have achieved some success in starting businesses. Their 5-year-old daughter is proficient in playing musical instruments, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Everything seems perfect! Just like the au pair-family promotional pictures you can see. Everyone can be a model when singled out.
However, just a few days after the au pair arrived, the family couldn’t sit still. The child rejected B, shouting and screaming when seeing B and refusing to communicate with B. When B was at the dining table, the child refused to come to the table. The family was also very frustrated. We tried every means to mediate. B was also aggrieved and tried every way to please the child, crying and asking us what to do.
The family also said it was strange. Clearly, during the interview with the whole family, the child said that she super liked this sister and specially drew an album looking forward to the sister’s arrival. Why is it like this?
After two weeks of mediation, there was no progress. Judging from the description of the mother of the family, it felt that she couldn’t hold on either. Immediately, after confirming that there was no problem with the au pair, we processed a refund for the family in accordance with the contract and matched the au pair to a family in Guangzhou again. B later spent five pleasant months in Guangzhou.
For this matter, I specially invited a classmate of mine majoring in psychology to help us analyze it together with the family. Mainly, we hope to clarify the impact of this matter on the child and whether it will bring psychological shadows to her. During this period, we have been in contact with this Shenzhen family and even became good friends because of this matter. This incident also made us realize the power of psychology. Since then, many colleagues have started to read books on psychology.
In fact, children are sometimes even more sensative than adults. Sometimes an adult’s joke may bring harm or even disaster to a child, generating fear and a sense of insecurity. During the au pair interview, the child realizes that there will be an “older sister” or “older brother” and is very happy. But in fact, they don’t have such a life experience. Our traditional Chinese hospitality, especially when the au pair first arrives at the family, will take special care of this “outsider”. In the eyes of children, it may seem that the love that was previously placed on them 100% is “divided up”, so they will have their own thoughts and consciousness. Then they will have their own ways of handling things. For example, now we can see some children telling their parents not to have younger brothers or sisters.
Of course, this is very normal! From the perspective of minors, there is no right or wrong.
Perhaps it was because we lacked handling experience at that time and couldn’t help this family client of mine well. In the future, we will suggest that families communicate more with children. Let children know that when this foreign older brother or sister comes to the family, it is not to take away your love but to bring more love.
If communication becomes an obstacle, then love will also become blind. This is also the initial purpose of the au pair program. May there be more understanding between countries and no barriers between people.
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